Rituals of the Road – Part I

Gone With the Wynns.com – A Real-Time Adventure From the Road
Imagine having the ability to wake up every morning and take off on a different adventure.
Now imagine having the ability to document these adventures for the whole world to see.
The idea of jumping into a RV and hitting the open road in a carefree lifestyle is appealing to any die-hard traveler. Unfortunately, between the hustle and bustle of our real lives, bringing such an idea to fruition can seem like a daunting task for many. But the RV lifestyle is evolving…      
Now, RV adventurers on the open road have the ability to tell their stories to the world on a daily basis, and in real-time in some cases (FB, Twitter, etc.), thanks to the Internet.  In fact, one RV’ing couple has actually found a way to combine their real-life passions with the desire to just “hit the open road.”
Say hello to GoneWithTheWynns.com
The website tells the story of RV’ers Jason and Nikki Wynn’s adventures on the open road in the form of a blog which includes everything from RVmini video documentaries of their adventures to tales from other travelers they encounter throughout their journey. Even more, the eco-friendly couple has made it a goal to show other travelers living on the road, without leaving a huge carbon footprint, is more possible than you think.
For those who aren’t familiar with them, the Wynn’s could quite possibly be America’s most popular RV traveling couple.  They’ve been featured on everything from Home and Garden TV to USA Today. The self-proclaimed “quirky” couple decided to trade in their Dallas-based day jobs (Nikki, a make-up and styling business and Jason, a photography company) to satisfy their craving for adventure and traveling.  One day, they made the decision to sell everything, pack up their 2 cats (Cleo and Singa- celebrities in their own right), bought an RV and named it “Windy”, hit the road and didn’t look back.
I recently had the opportunity to speak with Jason Wynn about what it’s like to live on the road along with what some of he and Nikki’s own Rituals of the Road are.
“Support Local” said Wynn. “This is one of our biggest goals with our travels. In our opinion, there is no better way to enjoy a new town than eating your way through it! We love searching out a small mom and pop place which support local agriculture, finding a local beer which is brewed fresh in town, and purchasing coffee that’s Fair Trade and locally roasted. We like to say we vote with our forks and our dollars.”

Wynn says Farmers Markets are a must and that if planned right, one can actually pick up their groceries for the week. Even better, if you’re a ‘canner’ you’ll have high quality food even after the season is over.

“You better believe if there’s a farmers market near the city we’ll be there; fresh seasonal fruit, ripe vegetables, artisanal foods, local music, and in general happy people,” he said. 
Part II of this article will be featured in tomorrow’s blog post…

This article provided to RV Trader by:
Darrin Michael currently serves as the eCommerce/Marketing Director at DaveArbogast RV Depot in Troy, Ohio. In addition, he also teaches Internet Development at Edison Community College.  He’s been featured on a number of other industry related blogs including Woodalls, RV-Pro.com, DealerRefresh.com and more.


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