Survey Shows Interest in RV travel Remains Strong

The RVIA homepage reports a new survey shows that interest in RV travel remains strong, with nearly half of RV owners planning to spend more time on the road this spring and summer than a year ago.

The latest Campfire Canvass, a biannual survey of RV owners by the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA), 45.4 percent of RV owners expect to travel more this summer than they did last year; 41.9 percent say they’ll travel the same amount.

More than 8.2 million U.S. households own an RV. RV travel is as popular today as it was in 1910 when the first mass-produced RVs were built.

“For a century, Americans have enjoyed exploring what’s over the next hill and around the bend,” says Richard Coon, president of the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association. “That pioneering spirit is still alive and well today.”

Source: RVIA

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